Entry Form: Writing

2019 Schools Reconciliation Challenge Writing Entry Form

Complete the following form to submit your writing entry online.

Please complete one entry form per writing entry.  A printable version of this form will be available for download once you have completed this entry form. Please download and send through this form with your hard copy writing submission. Ensure to include the writer’s reflection statement as part of your submission as these are judged together with the writing entries.

Submit Online


How many students?

Names of Contributors

Upload Writing (accepted file types are *.doc, *.docx and *.pdf; file size to be no more than 5mb)


Please provide the teacher's direct details, not the generic school information. Details will ONLY be used to contact you in relation to the Schools Reconciliation Challenge.



How did you hear about this competition?

How many lessons were spent on this unit?

What aspects of the Schools Reconciliation Challenge website did you find most useful?

What else would you like to see included?


For students to complete. Only one reflection should be submitted per piece.

The following three points should be addressed in the reflection (max 200 words):
  • How does your story relate to reconciliation?
  • How does your story relate to the theme Speaking and Listening from the Heart
  • Describe the process you used to write your story. Were you able to put yourself in the shoes of the characters? Why/why not?

There are errors or blanks fields in your submission. Please double check your entry and resubmit.

Teachers Click Here

Many of these resources and activities have been developed in consultation with NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) to ensure that the program meets NSW curriculum outcomes for Stages 3, 4 & 5.