Tempe Public School

I left my child by the little casuarina tree,

I left and when I came back he was full of glee,

I left my nuts by the little casuarina tree,

I left to get eucalyptus for my poor sick baby,

I left my oils by the eucalyptus tree,

I left and when I came back there was flowers in the tree.

I left my flowers by the eucalyptus tree I left to get honey from the bees,

I left my honey by the wattle tree,

I left and when I came back there was red, yellow and black rising from the land.

I left the colours by the wattle tree,

I left to get my baby, I picked him up along with my oils.

We jolted off to our clan but everything was gone.

I hid from people and began a new life.

We survived and they were gone,

We lived in hiding but one day we saw a man in black with a man in white saying sorry for all the whites sins.

We were happy as happy can be, that we saw our family,

We stepped out with our friends to see the little casuarina tree.


Author: Lily S – Year 5

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Many of these resources and activities have been developed in consultation with NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) to ensure that the program meets NSW curriculum outcomes for Stages 3, 4 & 5.