Gnangara Mound

Watch the video about Gnangara Mound and discuss, contemplate and answer the following questions:

  1. What connection and responsibilities do the Noongar people have for fresh water?

The Gnangara deepwater system is not separate from the Noongar people, they are part of each other and obliged to care for the water and the land. The long-term wellbeing of Noongar culture depends to a large extent on the health and sustainability of freshwater.

  1. What is an aquifer? What is the Gnangara Mound composed of?

An underground storage of water underneath the surface of earth. The Gnangara Mound is made up of three aquifer layers: superficial, the Leederville aquifer, and the Yarragadee.

  1. Why is the Yarragadee important to Noongar people?

It is the deep sleeping place of the Waugal.

  1. There are more than 300 heritage places in the Gnangara Mound. What relation do these places have to water?

These heritage sites are made up of river systems, lakes, wetlands and springs. Kaleeps (camps), hunting places, and artefact scatters all relate to water.

  1. How are the local Aboriginal people involved in caring for the Gnangara Mound and its water? Do you think that similar involvement could/should happen to manage other freshwater sources and land in other parts of Australia?

See also this comprehension sheet. 

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Many of these resources and activities have been developed in consultation with NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) to ensure that the program meets NSW curriculum outcomes for Stages 3, 4 & 5.