Blaxland High School

My artwork (Regenerating Our Promise) explores the ideas of indigenous australians and white people helping each other out in times of need. It highlights the promise that white australians and indiginous australians will always be there to help each other out, and protect the environment and our homes. My artwork relates to reconciliation through the rocks in the background. These rocks are representative of indigenous australians and white people promising to help each other. The fire in the foreground is also conveying how we have incorporated traditional techniques into modern times. This shows how we help each other out. The colourful fireman in the mid-ground of my artwork also shows how we help each other out, as we fight the fire together. The pinky promise in the background also doubles as rocks. These rocks connect us to the land, conveying how it’s our home. The fire also shows the challenges we face together, but we also need to keep our country alive. The aboriginal flag in the background (represented by smoke, sand and the sun) highlights the roots in which our country comes from. It reminds us to be respectful and mindful of the traditional custodians of the land.

Reconciliation means …to restore our relationships with the indigenous Australians. Reconciliation is about understanding different cultures, and giving them the respect they deserve. This means being kind, polite and respectful to not just the traditional owners of the land, but also the bush, animals, and their homes on which we have trampled over. Reconciliation means forgiving each other of what we have done and educating ourselves not to make the same mistake.

Artist: Ebony Byrne – Year 9

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Many of these resources and activities have been developed in consultation with NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) to ensure that the program meets NSW curriculum outcomes for Stages 3, 4 & 5.